Landlords Take Advantage of Girls’ Compulsion in Ireland


A gigantic ad for a rental house in Ireland. In these ads, landlords demand ‘sex for rent’ from tenants. The ads also say that the ‘Sex for Rent’ facility is for girls only.

Another similar ad said, “Sentry Dublin has a room very close to the city, with car parking and a bus stop near the house. There has been a significant increase in rent due to the shortage of houses in Ireland. Tenants are unable to cope with the increased cost and are forced to live in low-cost or free rooms with ‘sex for rent.

The tenant has no authority over the ‘sex for rent’ arrangement. In rental sex, the tenant has no protection as to how long the tenant can stay. This arrangement does not take into account the wishes of the tenant. Nolin says the landlord should be present whenever the landlord requests it, so there is a risk of exploitation.

The average monthly rent in Ireland is one lakh 19 thousand. A report published last month states that as of November 1, only 1,460 homes across the country were available for rent. The report states that rental housing has declined by 65% ​​in a single year.


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