Make Strong Spell with Best Monk Weapons 5e


The top monk weapons 5e and d

The monk weapons 5e could be a special version of the weapon that continues to use the game’s stats from PHB p.149. A monk’s weapon is a simple melee weapon with no heavy or two-handed attributes. Monk weapons do not have the “two-handed or heavy” property, so they can be clubs or spears.

Finesse 5e in the monk’s weapon

Monks can’t give weapons to monks, but the fact that they can use Str or Dex bonuses on these weapons makes them finesse. Finesse can be defined as an attribute that uses either str or dex .

Whips a D&D 5e monk’s weapon

Monk weapons are simple d&d monk melee weapons and daggers. They are neither heavy nor both hands (p. 78, PHB), so they are not. The Rogue is cunning, so you can use a sneak attack with a whip.

the rapier a monk’s weapon

No. “Short Words” and simple melee weapons are the default monk’s weapons. The Players Handbook, p. 149 states that rapists are d&d simple weapons of melee, not weapons of melee. They do not complete the necessities.

D&D Monk Weapons 5e Table

Base Simple Weapon Monk Weapon
Shortsword Butterfly sword
Dao Ninjatō
Club Nunchaku
Sai swords
Tambo Tonfa
Dagger Emeici,  Shobo
Handaxe Ono, Wind-and-Fire Wheel
Light hammer Jutte
Mace Bian
Quarterstaff Three-section staff
Dragon pole
Sickle Kuwa, Kama
Spear Qiang, Yari
Other Kusarigama

The best Monk weapon in D&D 5e


Bian is a rigid whip made of ribbed metal. Often this, d&d martial weapons used as a training weapon.


Bo is a bamboo or hardwood staff. Some are armored with metal bands and may contain a rectangular, square, or hexagonal cross section.

Butterfly sword

The butterfly sword is a small single-edged blade with a small cross guard. Dull edges are used for non-lethal attacks. From the tip to the midpoint, only half the rim is pointed. They are generally worn as a pair.


Dao is a dagger-like saber with one sharp edge. This is one of the most commonly used monk weapons in 5e.

Dragon pole

The Dragon Pole has a long staff. Healers claim that they can project their energy onto the length of the staff.


Naginata is a knife bent at the tip of a cane. Naginata are often involved in fighting with monks. However, it can also be used as a weapon by infantry. Advanced techniques include whipping weapons, hitting from both the blade and base, and wide-ranging blows. You can use the spear with stats, but you cannot use it as a weapon that can be thrown.


One, which is a pole made of wool, is called a kirpan. This weapon is heavy because of its huge wooden blade. The technique is focused on the critical circular strike.


Also known as Emei Piercer or Emei Dagger. One of the best monk weapons 5e dnd, the Emeici is a thin metal rod with a sharp piercing tip, attached to a removable band for wearing on the middle finger made of a thin metal rod. This weapon can be rotated or thrown. They are generally used as a pair.


Agriculture was the inspiration for Kama. It is made of a wooden shaft with a curved blade that extends laterally from its end.


Kusrigma is made of sickle. It corresponds to a metal chain sickle with an iron weight at the end.


The agriculture spade was the inspiration for the Kuwa. The monk’s weapon consists of a short wooden shaft with a horizontal blade pointing inward.


A straight, short sword, the ninja sword is also called a ninja sword.


A nunchaku is a pair of wooden sticks attached by a rope or chain.


Ono is a type of ax with a convex edge. It is related to a warrior monk who used agricultural implements as a weapon. See statistics on hatchets.


The jutte is a metal rod with a short, pointed handle, and the prong is bent by the handle. It’s called victory. It can be used as a hammer or a dagger, but it also has a blunt tip that can be terrified.


They are the Trishul Trishul/Club named Sai. The outer fork is often used for defense and can be found in the aisles of some monks. Monks use them to practice various grips and forms, holding one in each hand. Learning their fighting style is more like dancing than fighting.


A bookcase is a sharp wooden rod attached to a removable metal ring. Used to hit acupoints. Dagger Cloud Check 5e


A Tambo is a small wooden stick that is less than 3 feet in length.

Three-section staff

Three bamboo or hardwood sticks are connected by short chains to form a three-barrel. This staff has less reach than the club and can be folded and hidden.


Tonfa with a vertical grip is a wooden club. This allows the shaft to rest on the forearm of the user. It may have evolved from the use of crutches and mill handles as weapons.


A Japanese sword measuring 2 feet in length that resembles a short sword. It is considered expensive for Monk 5e weapons.

Wind and fire Wheel

The Wind and Fire Ring, also known as the Chakram, is a flat metal ring 15 inches in diameter with raised blades.

Frequently Asked question

Are scissors a monk’s weapon?

They are almost identical to the monk weapon, the dagger. The two-handed club is the only monk’s weapon capable of doing 1d8. Therefore, scissors are not considered the weapon of a monk. Scimitar deals with 1d6, while Spears deals with 1d8.

Is it legal for a monk to use the monk weapons DnD against other monks?

As a martial arts bonus action, you can perform 1d8+ dexterity and 1d4+ dexterity with both hands using a variety of weapons (for example, versatile weapons (such as spears and clubs). 1d4+ dexterity without weapons. If you have an agility modifier greater than zero, a versatile weapon is your best option.

Monk 5e


You can become a monk by learning the following class actions.

Hit points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level

Level 1 Hit Issue 8+ Your Constitutional Amendment

High level hit points: 1d8 (or 5) + 1 day after constitutional amendment by monk level


Armor: Shield, Light Armor, Medium Armor

Monk Weapons: simple weapons 5e and Daggers

Tools: Choose a Craftsman’s Tool or a Tool

Saving Throws: Strength and Dexterity

Skills: 2 from acrobatics or athletics, history and insight, religion, stealth, or both


The following tools are needed to boot with all the tools your background has given you.

Dagger (A) or other ordinary weapon (B)

Danzionia or Explorer Pack.

10 darts

Are monks armed?

Yes, you lose your martial arts proficiency. They are skilled at using axes, so they can. It is important to note that monks should not use armaments, even if they are proficient in everything. The bottom line is that you don’t need to be proficient in monk martial arts unless it’s just a monk’s flash. The proficiency level of the Monk weapon is as follows.

Simple weapons: clubs and daggers, heavy crossbows, light crossbows, clubs, clubs, unarmed

  • Handaxes are Martial Weapons
  • Exotic weapons: Kama and Shuriken
  • Short sword for Martial Weapons

Martial Melee Weapons Table

Martial Melee Weapons Cost In gp Weight in lb Properties Damage
Battleaxe 5e 10 4 Versatile (1d10) 1d8 slashing
Flail 5e 10 2 1d8 bludgeoning
Glaive 5e 20 6 Heavy, reach, two-handed 1d10 slashing
Greataxe 5e 30 7 Heavy, two-handed 1d12 slashing
Greatsword 5e 50 6 Heavy, two-handed 2d6 slashing
Halberd 5e 20 6 Heavy, reach, two-handed 1d10 slashing
Lance 5e 10 6 Reach, special 1d12 piercing
Longsword 5e 15 3 Versatile (1d10) 1d8 slashing
Maul 5e 10 10 Heavy, two-handed 2d6 bludgeoning
Morningstar 5e 15 4 1d8 piercing
Pike 5e 5 18 Heavy, reach, two-handed 1d10 piercing
Rapier 5e 25 2 Finesse 1d8 piercing
Scimitar 5e 25 3 Finesse, light 1d6 slashing
Shortsword 5e ( Monk Weapon) 10 2 Finesse, light 1d6 piercing
Trident 5e 5 4 Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) 1d6 piercing
War Pick 5e 5 2 1d8 piercing
Warhammer 5e 15 2 Versatile (1d10) 1d8 bludgeoning


Is a sword a good substitute for monk’s weapon 5e?

It is best to keep the sword proportionate to other weapons. Otherwise you will break the game. Can be used as a d&d monk weapons.

Let’s say a magic hand is used. Can it be considered as the weapon of a monk?

Monks do not have magical hands, but most do. However, you may be able to replace it with a magic hand in a special campaign. Unarmed attacks starting at level 6 count as magic for overcoming resistance/immunity. This is because the D&D rules require certain conditions for Monk Weapon 5e. Even their unarmed attacks do not become weapons. Like weapons, you cannot disarm with a spell or be enchanted with another spell.

As many rules mention, they are still considered melee weapon attacks. Some of the rules are confusing because they say “when attacking with a melee weapon” rather than “when attacking with a melee weapon”. It looks almost the same, but dnd 5e monk weapons make it clear that this subtle distinction is important.

If you’re multiclassing in a paladin, you can use sacred attacks with unarmed attacks. The phrase is “when hit by a melee weapon attack”. The Divinity of the Sacred Weapon Channel cannot be used in Bhakti Rajput as it only works with weapons and not with melee weapon attacks.


Unarmed attacks are not found in 5ed and d monk weapons, but can be used to mechanically attack melee weapons. Monks can now earn Key Empowered Strikes. “From level 6, unarmed attacks count as magic to overcome resistance to magical attacks and damage.”

Their bodies are not magical. However, monks can create defenses that require magical weapons to defeat. monk weapons 5e are short swords and simple weapons with no heavy or two-handed traits. There are weapons in which monks are skilled, not d&d 5e monk weapons. Even if you are given a weapon, the properties of that weapon will not change.


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