You will not be satisfied with watching: Syrian television series


In the last a long time, Syrian drama has presented many diverse dramas between social, historic and comedian, which achieved great public success.

Many elderly Syrian series, especially social ones, were a creative phenomenon, because they were etched within the audience’s memory to the current day, regardless of the passage in excess of twenty years since their presentation.

Regardless of the spread of Arab drama, and also the conversion of numerous Turkish works into Arabic using the participation from the brightest stars from Syria, the present drama, that amounted to millions, is not in a position to outshine that old Syrian series.

Exaggerated glamor, luxurious homes and splendid clothes the stars display in modern works haven’t been in a position to steal the spotlight from old works, because the audience continues to be keen to re-watch numerous old series every so often.

In the following paragraphs, we present a listing of the most basic and prominent old Syrian social series which have been etched within the audience’s memory and still sang about the subject as well as their stars.

Syrian social series that you won’t be happy with:

  • Soft thorns series
  • Syrian social series

Syrian social series Probably the most prominent Syrian works that depends on women’s gallantry, the series was proven in 2005, also it handles different tales of female students inside a public school.

The job could present many social issues within an interesting way with an array of Syrian stars, and these acer notebooks still probably the most prominent Syrian works.

Heroes from the series Soft Thorns:

  • Salma Al-Masry
  • Selim Sabri
  • Khaled Taga
  • Ghassan Masoud
  • Maha Egyptian
  • Lilia al-Atrash
  • Qusai Kholi
  • Nadine Salama
  • Kinda Alloush
  • Iyad Abu Al-Shamat becoming
  • Jihan Abdel Azim
  • Abeer Shams El Noise

We condemn the advance of Beck

  • sulafa architecture
  • Algerian Nibal
  • Dina Haroun
  • Rawaa Al Saadi
  • Anahid Fayyad

the 4 Seasons

It’s not easy to be happy with watching this special work just once inside your existence, because it is among the series that you’ll be keen to look at more often than once and any time you adore it more.

The very first season from it was proven in 1999, and also the second season was proven in 2002, and also the work informs the storyline of the simple Syrian family and also the relationship of kids to oldsters and grandma and grandpa.

The series handles many social tales inside a family style which makes you are feeling like part of an ample and noble family.

The heroes from the series The 4 Seasons:

  • Khaled Taga
  • Nabila Nabulsi
  • Hala Shawkat
  • Hey Sabri.
  • Jamal Suleiman.
  • The good thing about Saadi.
  • Selim Sabri
  • Salma Al-Masry
  • Antoinette Najiber
  • Rabab Canaan
  • Ramy Hanna
  • Bassam Koussa
  • Maha Egyptian
  • Joseph’s birthday
  • Dima Bayaa
  • Andre Skaff
  • Laila Gabr

Big dreams series

The late Syrian director Hatem Ali presented the work, that is one among his most prominent works in 2005. The job informs the storyline of Abu Omar al-Halabi, his wife and 4 children, from adolescence to youth.

It handles the connection of brothers and sisters and also the distinction between them, in addition to a love story from two different religions and also the fate of the relationship through Omar “Basel Khayat” and Mona “the artist Solaf Fawakherji”.

Heroes from the Big Dreams series:

  • Bassam Koussa
  • Samar Sami
  • Tulsi Khayat
  • Sulaf Fwakhergy
  • Qusai Kholi
  • Ramy Hanna
  • Maxim Khalil
  • Nisreen Tafesh
  • Norman Asaad
  • We owe your improvement
  • Hassan Aweiti
  • Faten Shaheen
  • regret series

Syrian social series Among the couple of works which were proven throughout the Syrian crisis and achieved positive results. The job handles the storyline of the wealthy Syrian family with the group of Ibrahim al-Ghoul as well as their lives pre and post the Syrian crisis.

The storyline is relayed through the youngest boy and author Urwa, narrating many social occasions, and also the relationships between your group of Ibrahim al-Ghoul, particularly the jealousy and avarice between brothers and sisters.

The job also handles a unique love story between Orwa and Hana, which ends up because of Hana’s dying after having suffered a terminal illness and also the impact of the story on Orwa throughout his existence.

Heroes from the series regret:

  • Salloum Haddad
  • Bassem Yakhour
  • Mahmoud Nasr
  • Dana Mardini
  • Samar Sami
  • Ahmed Al Ahmad
  • Rana Karam
  • Jafra Younes
  • Ayman Reda
  • Ayman Abdel Salam
  • Maram Ali

Waiting series

The occasions of the series center around a well known neighborhood and also the lives from the residents of the neighborhood through many tales and tales which make you connect with the figures from the work greatly.

The series discussed the problem from the existence of “foundlings” with the character of Abboud, who had been embodied through the Syrian artist Tim Hassan, and presented it inside a distinctive way.

Heroes from the Waiting series:

  • Bassam Koussa
  • Ahmed Lababidi
  • Taj Haider
  • Nisreen Tafesh
  • sulafa architecture
  • Yara Sabri
  • Ayman Reda
  • Abeer Shams El Noise
  • Qasim Malhou
  • Omar Hajjo
  • Andre Skaff
  • Nidal Sejari
  • Tim Hassan
  • Rasha Al Zoghbi
  • Ahmed Al Ahmad

Duration of Shame series

Syrian artist Sulafa Mimar presented probably the most prominent works with the character of Buthaina within this work which was proven in ’09, and Buthaina is a straightforward girl who sacrifices her existence to consider proper care of her sick mother.

After Buthaina reaches a sophisticated age, she starts to want for any relationship, and she or he lives challenging between survival on her mother and her private existence, to go in her existence Nabil “Tim Hassan” and tries to benefit from her simplicity.

The job also handles a number of other issues through various and varied tales.

The heroes from the series Duration of Shame:

  • Tim Hassan
  • Bassam Koussa
  • Mona Wassef
  • sulafa architecture
  • Khaled Taga
  • We owe your improvement
  • Dima Bayaa
  • Alaa Afash
  • Maxim Khalil


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