It has one of the lowest ratings on our chart, so it is extremely suspicious and genuine reviews are hard to find. Let’s look at and its industry. In order to determine if is a scam, we analyzed 53 powerful factors. Also below you can find trustworthy alternatives, a review, and how to deal with fraud if you have already lost money.
According to Scam Detector’s algorithm, this business ranks:
2.0 out of 100 received a low rating for the following reasons:’s business is associated with a popular industry. However, we tried extracting a paragraph from their site:
The design of this website is poor, and it contains no metadata that could boost its online presence. As a result, it loses credibility and shows that its quality is questionable for the time being. We will update the information once they improve their back-end.’s business may (or may not) be disclosed in the section above, but its activities may go beyond that.
Review of
The VLDTR® tool ranks as 2. It indicates that the business is Dubious. Very New. Suspicious. has a minimal rating for a number of reasons. In order to determine the 2 ranking, we aggregated 53 factors relevant to ‘s industry. Factors used by the algorithm ranged from customer service to domain authority in its sector.
However, the biggest problem is that the domain name is too new. It was just registered a few days ago. This makes it impossible, for a new website to start the business, market its services, get clients to acquire them, use them, and then submit reviews. All of this in just a few days. That’s why we used the tags Dubious. Very New. Suspicious. above.
We still gave the benefit of the doubt since we do that for every new business. However, our algorithm still generated 2 based on other factors relevant to the industry, including negative social media feedback and Alexa rank.
We also look for the following
In order to protect yourself from online fraud, we want all validations and reviews to be accurate. If you have any feedback, please let us know.
When we review websites, we scan details that reveal vital information about an organization’s professionalism: how they charge, service, and sell.
Based on our tool, we generated this review and rated the site. Scam or Legit?
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